Menstrual Periods and Testosterone Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy
Transgender? Trans and Gender Diverse? Trans and Non-Binary? What Terminology Should We Be Using?
Yes, Trans People Are Still Being Refused Health Care in Australia
Why is There a Shortage of Oestrogen Patches in Australia... Again?
Non-Binary People and Gender-Affirming Hormones and Surgeries
Behind the Scenes of our World-First Fitness and Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy Study
Why Are Trans People at Higher Risk of Long COVID?
End of 2023 Review
Trans Health Research at the 2023 AusPATH Conference
Do Higher Oestradiol Levels Result in Better Mental Health and Wellbeing?
A World-First Trial on Fast Access to Testosterone
Accessing Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy in Australia
Trans People Living with HIV in Australia
Spotlighting Trans Suicidality at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2023
What has TRANSform Achieved in its First Three Years?
Options for Oestrogen, Anti-Androgen, and Progesterone Hormone Therapy in Australia
Options for Testosterone Hormone Therapy in Australia
Genital Changes, Periods, and Pelvic Pain in People Using Testosterone
End of 2022 Review
Challenging Five Years of Transphobia